While you might not think of your auto attendant very often, it's a crucial factor for your business. First impressions matter and anyone calling into your organization is greeted by that auto attendant you rarely remember. 

Like all greetings, you have the option to upload an audio file (.wav or .mp3) or record a message through a net2phone Canada device. Follow the steps below to learn how to add an auto attendant greeting. 


NOTE: You must already have a time frame in place to use for your new auto attendant greeting. 

If you do not create a time frame, the auto attendant will be set to default, which is all the time, every day of the week. 

1. Log in to the SONAR portal and ensure you are in “Manage Organization” view. 

2. Go to the Auto Attendant tab. 

3. Click the name of the auto attendant you want to add a greeting to. 

4. Click the speaker icon under Menu Prompt (not the speaker icon next to "Intro Greetings"). 


You must always click the speaker icon under Menu Prompt and NOT next to "Intro Greetings." 

If you add a greeting through this location it may cause your auto attendant to break as its configuration with time frames behaves differently. 

To avoid possible malfunction, always add a greeting under the Menu Prompt.   

5. Enter a recognizable description of the greeting. 

6. Click the radio button for either “record," "upload," or "text-to-speech." 

For record,

a. Enter the extension number of the device from which you want to record the greeting. 

NOTE: You can enter an external number here as well. You must enter a 10 digit number with no spaces or dashes.

b. Click call and follow the voice prompts. 

c. Click Save.

 For upload,

a. Click browse and find the recording you want to use as your greeting. 

b. Click Upload.

For text-to-speech, 

a. Add the text that you would like your message to recite.

b. Select the language you would like to use from the drop-down menu. 

c. Select which voice you would like your message recited in. You can click the play button beside this box to hear a preview of the message. 

d. Click Save before leaving this page.  

7. Click Save before leaving this page.


  • Include a “happy holiday” message in your auto attendant for a festive touch. 
  • Include your business hours in your greeting. 
  • Always inform people if their call is going to be recorded for legal or quality assurance purposes. 

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