Answering Rule Options

Whether you are adding a new answering rule or editing an existing one, the pop-up window is the same. 

Sonar Answering Rule Options

Time Frame
Select a preexisting time frame and link it to this answering rule.

Enable or disable the current answering rule.

Do Not Disturb
Blocks all calls to your extension, sending them directly to voicemail. When active, Call Forwarding and Simultaneous Ring options are unavailable.

Call Forwarding
Forward calls to a specified extension, number, or phone based on the following:

Always Bypass your primary net2phone Canada device and send calls directly to the entered extension or number. Enter 10-digit numbers without spaces, brackets, or dashes.

When Busy This option is visible but not available for individual rules as net2phone Canada does not generate busy signals. It can be used for queues and other features.

When Unanswered Ring your net2phone Canada phone first, then forward to the entered extension or number if unanswered. Enter 10-digit numbers without spaces, brackets, or dashes.

net2phone Canada SureAnswer Forward calls if your net2phone Canada phone goes offline due to outages. Often used with a mobile phone.

Simultaneous Ring
Configure multiple devices to ring simultaneously to ensure you never miss a call:

Include User’s Extension Include your primary extension to ring.

Ring All User’s Phones Ring all phones associated with your extension, including softphones and mobile apps.

Enable net2phone Canada SmartAnswer Configure an external number to ring simultaneously. Answering the call will prompt you to connect or reject it. If rejected, the caller is sent to your net2phone Canada voicemail.

Extension, Number, or Phone
Enter additional extensions or phone numbers to ring along with your personal extension. You can add a ring delay and additional fields using the green plus button.

When selecting another extension, you have three main options:

User The call follows the selected user's answering rules.

Phone Forward calls to an additional extension. Each additional device is associated with an extension followed by a letter (e.g., 501m for your mobile phone). If unanswered, calls are transferred back to your primary extension’s voicemail.

Voicemail Send the call straight to voicemail without ringing any devices.


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