Welcome to the net2phone Canada's Sonar Academy! Our knowledge base continuously ...
Use your Sonar credentials to access the software platforms, integrations, and ha...
Update your name, department, timezone, email address(es), and audio directory op...
The most common user role within Sonar is called a Basic User—don't be deceived b...
The net2phone Canada client portal, Sonar, offers an entirely French-Canadian lan...
A star code, also known as a vertical service code (VSC), is a sequence of digits...
All employees within your organization are automatically listed as contacts in yo...
Learn how to access your contacts, add contacts, and utilize Sonar Chat for inter...
Guarantee your clients receive an on-brand, engaging call experience even while y...
Enhancing your communication setup can boost productivity and streamline workflow...
Sonar user types define what features and settings each user can access within th...
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