Planning to be out of the office?
Consider switching to Unified Messaging, i.e., sending voicemails to email. All your voicemails will be sent to your designated email address with a voice-to-text generated transcription, as well as an audio recording so you can still listen to the original message.
Listen to your Voicemails from an External Phone
If you need to check a voicemail message and do not have voicemail-to-email enabled, you can check your voicemail messages from an external phone number, like a cell phone or home landline.
- Call your office extension from an external phone.
- Let the call ring to the voicemail greeting.
- Press star (*) while your voicemail greeting is playing.
- You will be prompted to enter your extension’s voicemail PIN before accessing your voicemail inbox.
After entering your PIN, you will be able to listen to your voicemails as if you had dialled *98 from your net2phone Canada desk phone!
Send Voicemail Messages to Internal Extensions
If you need to forward a voicemail message to another net2phone Canada device, and you are not using voicemail-to-email, you can follow the steps below to send a voicemail message to a different Sonar device.
- Listen to the voicemail message (*98 to access voicemail inbox).
- At any time while the message is playing, press 3 to forward the message.
From the send message menu, you have the following options:- Press 1 to send a message to an individual,
- Press 2 to broadcast to all,
- Press 3 to send to a group.
- (Optional) After pressing 1, you'll be prompted to record an introduction for the voicemail message transfer. After recording, press pound (#).
Example: Hey Anastasia, I got this voicemail but I think it's best suited for you.
If you don't want to record an introduction, wait a few seconds when prompted or press the pound key (#). - Listen to the system's playback of your introduction greeting, as well as your voicemail message again.
- The system will prompt you to press 2 to confirm.
- Enter the destination mailbox (extension number).
- The system will prompt you to press 2 to confirm before finishing the voicemail message transfer.